Capital Accumulation Plans

Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) guidelines can affect your defined contribution plan in ways that are difficult to predict.

  • Do you have the expertise in-house to keep up with these changes?
  • Are your plan’s investments appropriate for the demographic and socioeconomic status of your employees?
  • Do your plan’s participants have the access to their investments that is called for in the guidelines?
  • Is your organization communicating effectively with plan participants to ensure they are aware of their options?
  • Are you compliant with the documentation requirements?

Our Group Retirement and Pension consultants can answer your CAP guideline questions and provide independent, expert advice to help your plan’s investments achieving the highest possible returns. Our consultants can also reduce your administrative burden by assisting you with documenting your plan’s compliance and reducing your liability.

Providing a range of defined-contribution retirement savings options

Defined-contribution retirement savings programs can deliver strong returns for your employees’ future and shield you from the risk of market downturns and exposure to unsustainable future commitments. But which of the dozens of defined-benefit options is right for your organization?

Here are some of the defined-contribution options available:

  • Defined Contribution Pension Plans.
  • Group Registered Retirement Savings Plans.
  • Deferred Profit-sharing Plans.
  • Non-registered Savings and Stock Purchase Plans.

Contact us today and start finding creative ways to make your retirement savings plan work better.


Defined Benefit Plans

Safeguarding your commitment

Market volatility, shifting legislation and an aging workforce are threatening pensions. Plan administrators are under pressure to avoid costly plan collapses and legal liabilities. At the same time, defined benefit plans still represent the "gold standard" of security for employees and can be an important part of your organization’s competitive offering to prospective employees.

Expert advice for your defined plan

We can help you with every aspect of plan sponsorship from initial design through portfolio management to plan wrap-ups.

We accomplish this by providing the following services:

  • Conducting a thorough review of every aspect of your defined benefit plan.
  • Ensuring that your fiduciary risk is within acceptable limits.
  • Ensuring your plan complies with all current legislation and regulations.
  • Ensuring your plan is funded properly.
  • Preparing professional communications for you, your staff and regulators.
  • Using of advanced software analysis to flag any potential trouble spots in investment portfolio.
  • Analyzing fund manager’s performance in light of industry trends, changes in management structure, market moves, stock placements, and other factors.

Administration & Actuarial services

You can get any level of help you want from BFF, from general consulting on one or two aspects of your plan, to overall outsourcing of all your defined benefit plan’s design and administration.

Your organization has made a strong commitment to your employees’ future. Let us help you safeguard that commitment.


Retirement Plan Governance

Managing risk in your pension plan

With all the options in pensions and group retirement plans available, you must be aware of the shifting regulatory landscape and potential sources of liability for your organization and your people.

We take a pro-active risk-management approach to your plan’s governance, addressing every detail and reacting to each change in the fiscal and legislative environment. We constantly upgrade our knowledge and stay on top of the latest developments. You can trust our commitment to ensure your pension plan is on the right track.

Conducting a full governance review

Pensions carry with them weighty legal responsibilities that can confer dangerous liabilities if governance is not properly structured and monitored. BFF's governance review will analyze every aspect of your plan’s governance in light of industry best-practices and current regulations.

The result:

  • Properly structured fiduciary accountability.
  • Clearly delineated roles and responsibilities.
  • Conflict-free decision-making processes.
  • Transparent investment performance metrics for your plan.

Providing customized member communication programs

Regulators today are very concerned with ensuring that pension plans be increasingly transparent and offer members unprecedented levels of access to information about their entitlements and investments. BFF can help you meet or exceed those expectations by providing communication programs customized to reach each person in your workforce.

Whether your employees are young and still accumulating assets, nearing retirement and looking for the best way to structure for the future, or retiring and seeking to roll out benefits the best way, we can make sure they understand all their options.